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Wasp Season: The End Is Close - But Not Here Yet

Monday, October 08, 2018

It is finally that time of year when wasp removal calls to Control Services start to fall. As temperatures fall, wasps are a lot less active. That's good news. However, the end of wasp season is not yet here. It is close, but the temperature still needs to get a bit colder before we see an end of the pests for the 2018 season.

Please do not hesitate to call Control Services for wasp nest removal in Berkshire, Reading, and throughout the rest of our service area. In the meantime, we thought you might be interested to know what happens to wasps and their nests during the winter. It is actually not the cold temperatures that bring about their demise. At least not directly.

Wasps Die from Starvation

A typical wasp only lives for a few weeks during the warmest months of summer. Wasps born in mid-to-late summer can live much longer under the right conditions. Some can even live for months. When the temperatures start turning colder, there is less wasp activity due to one simple reason: a lack of food.

Wasps are like honeybees in the sense that they are pollinators. Trees, flowers, and plants are their primary food sources. Wasps go from one source to the next collecting pollen and packing it into small bundles they then take back to the nest. They may also kill other insects and use them for food as well. Here's where it gets interesting.

Adult wasps neither feed on pollen nor the insects they might kill. That is food for the larvae. They feed on a substance secreted by the larvae. As temperatures cool and vegetation ceases producing pollen, there isn't as much food for the wasps to take back to the nest. Larvae do not get enough food as a result. That means fewer surviving larvae and less food for the adults.

In essence, wasps die from starvation once the temperatures start falling. That's why nature has programmed into them such a prolific ability to reproduce. Wasps have to reproduce in large numbers in order to keep their colonies viable. Otherwise, the combination of a relatively short lifespan and a lack of food would virtually wipe them out during the winter.

Not Safe in Any Temperature

Now that you know what happens to wasps once the temperatures start dropping, we want to remind you that these insects are not safe at any temperature. Wasp populations will certainly start to drop as temperatures get colder, but it's going to be winter before they are gone completely.

Between now and then, please do not attempt wasp nest removal by yourself. A failure to do things properly could lead to devastating consequences for you and your family. Instead, call Control Services. We have decades of experience with this sort of thing. Our trained, professional technicians have both the skills and tools to safely remove wasps from your property without endangering you, your children, or your pets.

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