Woodworm are a form of wood-boring beetle larvae that come a range of different varieties.
In the United Kingdom, the most common species of woodworm are the common furniture beetle, which is also known as the Anobium Punctatum, the House Longhorn Beetle, or Hylotrupes Bajulus, and the Deathwatch beetle - known as Xestobium rufuvillosum.
Each of these various types of beetle invade the wood around your home and consume it - leaving the property when they finally reach maturity.
Once you detect an infestation in your home, the chances are that you will find yourself asking how Woodworm spreads, and whether it is infectious.
Woodworm infestation Isn't Infectious, but It Can Spread
It's unlikely that a beetle would find a piece of furniture in your home that it considers to be the ideal place to rear it's young, then move to another piece of wood in the house timbers - unless the wood elsewhere appears to be more nutritious for the offspring.
Each woodworm infestation occurs because a beetle lays eggs in an environment that appears to be the most beneficial to her offspring.
While it is possible for the offspring that hatch, and grow into maturity to find other pieces of furniture that they may bore into and lay eggs themselves, in many modern pieces of furniture, finishes like vanish, wax, and paint can prevent this.
If, however, a beetle chooses the structural areas of your home to lay their eggs in, then the burrowing of the beetle can eventually lead to weakening in the foundations - which is dangerous to your property.
The Problem with Woodworm infestation
The only real way to remove woodworm and the beetles that cause it from your home is with a proper survey of the timber within your property, and a careful pest removal service.
Many homeowners don't realise that their home might actually be home to woodworm. Wood can be infected with larvae and eggs without any noticeable symptoms, and you may not notice an infestation for several years.
The tell-tale signs of woodworm can include adult beetles emerging from holes in the house, fine powdery dust around the holes in woodwork, and more.
Importantly, many people believe that woodworm only happens in older homes, but the truth is that larvae can also be found within newer properties too.
The quicker a woodworm infestation is caught and eradicated, the less damage will take place to your home and furniture.
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